Our Design Principles

As experienced trading card collectors and dedicated gamers, we’re committed to building a healthy trading card game community. That’s why we built Starcrossed on these three core pillars.

  • Games can be skill-testing, and games can be challenging, but above all good games are fun. We know too well the experience of trying to teach a friend a new game, only for them to be turned off by arcane rules, excessive jargon, and confusing mechanics. Starcrossed is based on the principle that good gameplay comes not from having the most rules, but from having the most intuitive design. This is why we designed Starcrossed to be a pick up and play game: In the time it takes to play one game, you can learn all the rules you need to become a master!

  • We are deeply aware that building a complete collection, making the perfect trade, or hunting for that one last rare card, is half the fun of a trading card game. It saddens us to see many card games undermine this fun by locking essential cards behind exclusive products and limited releases, turning a fun hobby into a pay-to-win machine. We are committed to keeping the hobby of collecting alive, with exclusive variants, alternate art showcases, and other goodies, without forcing ordinary players to take out a mortgage just to play.

  • Every design choice we make puts the player first. Starcrossed was built out of a love for tabletop gaming, and is designed to give every player who picks up the game a rich play experience at any price point. We believe the heart of any strong game is a strong community, and it is our mission to put that community front and center on every step of our adventure.



Nova, Starlight Paragon

Artillery Duelist

Quickdraw Replicator


Super Strike