Preview: Tribe Mechanics

One of the central goals in designing Starcrossed was to make sure that every tribe plays in a way that feels authentic. Whether you prefer to play as a wizened sage or a fearsome warrior, the mechanics of the game need to support that identity. Today we’re going to break down the most important features of each tribe, and how we worked to integrate them into gameplay.


The Amazons are a fierce and loyal tribe who use the universe's most advanced weaponry to overwhelm their foes and defend their comrades to the bitter end. To demonstrate their loyalty and tactical prowess, Amazon cards have access to two signature abilities.

While all divas can use cards that boost their strengths, Amazons are especially skilled at boosting the strengths of divas on other crystals. Attacking into a single face-down Amazon skill may result in having to fight off an entire army for the rest of the turn. As a result, positioning is of the essence: Amazons facing an unwinnable fight may still attack to give their allies an advantage.

Amazons also have a special relationship with item cards. Though all tribes can use items, an Amazon is uniquely dependent on her tools. Most item cards are powerful to begin with, but Amazons gain massive benefits from being heavily armed. Whether they're using their weapons to finish off their enemies or to bring themselves back from the brink of death, no Amazon load out is complete without a well-stacked arsenal.

The Apocrypha are a deeply spiritual tribe. They hold ancient customs and cosmic balance sacred, and practice their traditions with unflinching devotion. However, their ultimate goal is balance, not peace: those who embark on the Apocrypha journey learn to use the soul itself as a weapon against those who oppose them.

As a result, many Apocrypha cards can damage the opponent without needing to damage them in combat. The purifying blaze of the Whiteflame that Apocrypha wield is intense enough to transcend flesh and blood, reaching past to burn the spirit itself. Apocrypha cards can trigger life loss by vanquishing divas, discarding skills, or sometimes just by being played.


The Apocrypha are engaged in an endless pursuit of spiritual transcendence. This journey can be seen both in their abundance of cards that quest for other divas, and cards that care about icons and novices. All Apocrypha are on a journey of discovery: if they are at the beginning, they seek the wisdom of those who came after them. If they are at the end, they seek the wisdom of those who will follow them.

The Arcadians do not aim to raise soldiers. They produce scholars and explorers, intent on unraveling the mysteries of the universe, sometimes by unraveling the universe itself. In all walks of life, Arcadians are driven by a curiosity that can be more powerful than the laws of nature.

Arcadia cards rarely take the most direct approach to winning: they don't often vanquish divas or offer a straightforward power boost. Instead, they play with the mechanics that otherwise hold the game together: they can reset crystals, replay skills, prevent damage, and otherwise disrupt the flow of gameplay, all while building a massive strategic advantage.


The strategies of the Arcadians punish those who commit too hard to taking the direct approach, while offering a massive sandbox to those who like to play creatively. A well crafted Arcadia deck can force opponents to play by its own rules, then win at its own game.


No tribe is as duplicitous as the Shinobi. Their first rule of combat is to never take on an enemy in a fair fight. Shinobi are masters of stealth and misdirection, taking every opportunity they can to strike when their target is most vulnerable.

Shinobi cards take full advantage of the element of surprise. Some can be played at unexpected times, or can sneak onto crystals in disguise. Their skills often allow them to bypass their opponents' defenses and push through damage undetected.

When they don't have the upper hand, Shinobi call on their fallen allies in the Void to regain control. The Shinobi are the most skilled at bringing back divas from the Void, or using those cards as a resource to turn the tide of battle. To them, divas in the Void are not lost, but instead are ready to give aid from the next step of their cosmic journey. The Shinobi are skilled at dealing lethal blows from any position: even from the brink of defeat.

The Starcrossed Universe is vast and diverse. Though all divas work towards victory, each tribe has its own unique methods and tools to achieve that victory. Figuring out how to best utilize and combine these abilities to develop new, personalized strategies is half the fun of playing. Every tribe offers great potential, and in the hands of a skilled deckbuilder, nothing is out of reach.